Hilltowns Senior News for Saturday, February 18, 2017

Attendance was small at our last meeting, but our joy of being together was huge.

Birthday wishes were sung by the Hilltown Seniors to Barbara Hindenlang, Doris Skinner, Alyce Gibbs, Kathy Walls, and Jean Wright.

Anniversaries celebrated were John and Millie Rossman, married for 59 years; Bill and Linda Carman, married for 51 years; and Mike and Sharon Vincent, celebrating the big 50.

It was reported that Bob and Ruth Snyder had a chimney fire that resulted in extensive repairs. They will be out of their home for at least three months. At the present time, they are bunking in with Bob's sister, Katie.


Shirley reported on some trips that she has set up. On April 5, we are going to the Culinary Institute and the Vanderbilt Mansion.

Cost is $50 for members and $70 for non-members. The bus will leave the Berne Community Center (note the new name) at 8:45 a.m. and Westerlo Town Hall at 9 a.m. We are being served, Antipasti Misti, Petto DiPollo Alla Salvia, and Torino Di Cioccolato for dessert.

I hope while we are there we can meet up with Brandon Fortuin, a graduate of Berne-Knox-Westerlo who is studying there. At the mansion we will be touring the grounds. Hopefully some blossoms out for picture taking. Reservations by March 15, call Shirley Slingerland at 797-3467

Also, on June 14, we are going to the Mac-Hayden Theater to see “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.” Beforehand, we will be visiting the Whitestone Restaurant. We thoroughly enjoyed that last year. The cost is $50 for members and $70 for non-members. Bus will leave Berne at 10 a.m. and Westerlo at 10:15 a.m. Reservations must be made by May 24 by calling Shirley at (518) 797-3467.

Guest speaker

We had Randy Bashwinger as a guest speaker. Randy is the highway superintendent for the town of Berne. The "boys" of the highway department take notice of activities along their daily work day, especially in the winter time. Randy is forming a "Neighbors helping Neighbors" program.

He had spoken to me about it and was wondering if our group would be interested. At the meeting, we decided we had to make up two lists: one for the volunteers and one for the people who would like assistance. The assistance part would be making a phone call and checking on the person, helping with shoveling, doing chores around the house, taking them shopping or to doctors’ appointments.

There are a variety of things to do to help your neighbor that would only take an hour of your time. This program would involve all the four Hilltowns. This a regional project that has been talked about for years. So now the lists have begun.

If you are interested in volunteering or would like assistance, you can go on Facebook to the Town of Berne Highway Department or to Randy Bashwinger’s Facebook page. Those with needs may call me, Linda Carman at (518) 872-2448. Later on, more contacts will be listed.

Also Willard Osterhout is looking for pictures of any military personnel, active, in active, or  deceased to be put in a book. He would like pictures in uniforms.

Future events

Also coming events are:

— March 9, the Meal Site is sponsoring a trip to Cooperstown. The cost is $13.50 with dinner on your own. They would like you to join them for a meal, as people who participate will have first choice;

— Feb. 25 is the Helderberg Lutheran Church’s breakfast;

— The book club is not meeting until March; and

— The seniors are going to participate in the Altamont Fair. I still need some vintage handkerchiefs. Also some crafts to display in the craft building;

The Altamont Fair is celebrating a special year and any vintage pictures that your family has could you please share them with us. And stories! I know we would spend all day there’ we’d go back to the car and have lunch that mom made and go off again.

Remember there is a fountain of youth. It is your mind,  your talents, the creativity you bring to your life, and the people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.



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