Voorheesville Library Notes for Thursday, October 7, 2021


Looking for something to do as a family on Columbus Day? Why not join us for a StoryWalk at Wallace Park on Swift Road?

Families with children in grades kindergarten through third grade are invited to join Mrs. Brown at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 11, as she reads “When Milo Imagines the World” by Matt de la Pena.

We will walk along the wooded trail and read and discuss each panel of the book. Take-and-make kits will be available after the program for fun at home activities. Please register once per family. If it rains, the program will be rescheduled. The StoryWalk is available for the public to enjoy until the first snow. 

Teen mystery

Teens in grades 8-12 are invited to join a live action role playing game, at 1p.m., Sunday, Oct. 17. You will assume the role of one of eight eerie characters, invited by rock superstar Killian Killagan to a barbeque at his creepy castle. Upon arrival, you discover that someone (maybe you?) is turning helpless citizens into bats. Imagine the library as a spooky castle on a bluff as you and your friends enjoy hours of suspense and intrigue - but mainly humor - as you solve the crime, while enjoying a bbq lunch. Please register.

Craft & Chat

There are still openings available for the afternoon and evening Craft & Chat programs at the library, on Monday, Oct. 18. The afternoon program begins at 1:30 p.m., and the evening program starts at 6 p.m. All craft items are supplied, and librarian Tracey joins in the fun, answering questions and helping as needed. Beginners are welcome, as crafts are meant to be fun, not complicated. 

Intro to

streaming video

Never in the history of television, have there been more options available for watching whatever you choose. Webinars, tutorials, movies, game shows...whatever you choose, there are various ways of watching it. On Tuesday, Oct. 19, at 6 p.m., you can learn how to take advantage of all that web-based content with either your devices or your tv. This class will be a virtual lecture, with demonstrations, and is intended for beginners. Register on our online calendar.

Spooky hike

Join Emma Treadwell Thacher Nature Center guides Grace and Anna at 10am, Saturday, Oct. 23, for a one hour, 1 mile, easy hike along the Indian Ladder Trail. See what spooky stories await you as you learn more about this historic area. Suitable for families with children 5 and up. Please register online. Subject to cancellation due to inclement weather. 


The library will close at 5 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 11, in observance of Columbus Day.

Trustees meet

The next monthly meeting of the board of trustees will be held virtually on Monday, Oct. 25, at 7 p.m. Members of the public are always welcome! Please register, on our events calendar or on our website, to receive the link for the meeting.