Middleburgh Library Notes for Thursday, May 28, 2020

By Memoirs From Quarantine: The Middleburgh Library is collecting contributions in the form of memoirs, creative works, and insights from our community, that articulate the challenges faced by our community, and how we are overcoming them, in this unprecedented time.

Residents of all ages are welcome and encouraged to submit work; content should be appropriate for a wide audience. Feel free to share thoughts, poetry, stories, recipes, pictures, or any other printable contribution.

Your stories will be compiled into a journal that will be kept in our local history room for everyone to view. Please send your submissions to or mail to The Middleburgh Library, 323 Main Street, Post Office Box 670, Middleburgh, NY 12122.

Ikea shares

Ikea is sharing ways to make six different furniture forts during quarantine.

Instructions for building a house, a fortress, a castle, and a wigwam are all explained through illustrations without the need to read words, much as instructions are given for assembling Ikea furniture.


Our popular Insight Meditation group is meeting virtually!

What do you want most deeply? Seeing your life calmly and clearly helps answer this.

Insight Meditation is a simple way to steady your mind, stop wandering in daydreams, and end the suffering of troubling thoughts. Our group is a place to sit quietly in safety, supported by others; to allow understanding and compassion to arise; to encourage loving-kindness and patience.

We welcome those with no experience to advanced mediators, teens to seniors. We will be using the Zoom platform for our meetings for the time being. Registration is required to receive the join link. You can use a computer/laptop, tablet or phone to access the meeting.

Story time

Stay at Home Story Time with Miss Terry is great for toddlers and preschoolers and their caregivers! Join us on Facebook, Tuesdays at 10:45 a.m.

Lego Club

Each week at the Middleburgh Library Lego Club you will be given a challenge to complete. Some of these challenges may be crazy; watch out! Post a picture or two and a description of your creation.

Go to the Middleburgh Library Facebook page and join the group. Each challenge will be posted on Monday mornings. Good luck!