Berne Library Notes for Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Music in the Park: On Aug. 21 at 6:30 p.m., “Just a Bunch of Guys...and Some Girls” will perform at the Berne Town Park.

A lull hangs in the air as some folks are making a last dash to grab a mini vacay before September. With school looming just around the corner, a school-supply drive sponsored by the Friends of the Berne Library is underway.

If you are interested in donating, think comp books, notebook paper, folders, markers, crayons, glue sticks. Drop them off in the collection bin inside the library during regular open hours. The Friends thank you for your generosity.

Another bin waiting in the entryway looking to be filled is Girl Scout Troop 1482’s shoe-drive barrel. They are looking for matched sets of shoes, sneakers, slippers. Any type of footwear, with the exception of roller skates or ice skates, in good condition.

Summer Reading Program

The library’s summer reading programs for wee explorers up to teens wrapped up with the Planetarium Adventures show on August 8th. From liftoff to splash down, readers took on the 500 minute reading challenge and surfed their way to program completion. Gift bags, prizes, certificates and a round of high-fives were shared at the Planet Party finale. Congratulations and a round of applause for all the participants.

Adults taking on the challenge have a smitch of days remaining to finish their step into the summer reads for big kids. Submit some book reviews for tickets in the raffle offering, finish off the last few pages of that space travel book and do the happy dance for extra credit. Squeeze it all in up by September 6 and be ready to bask in the glow of success at the Sept. 8 space dinner.

Music in the Park

Music, Music, Music in the Park, Park, Park. The annual tradition of Music in the Park brings “Just a Bunch of Guys...and Some Girls” in for the final rockin’ show of the season. The energy from this group is on fire with their wide variety of instruments, personalities and pure enjoyment of blending music together. 

Brian Stempel and Avery bring guitar and vocals to stage, Jim makes his fiddle sizzle, Pat vibes in with harmonica and Joanne smoothly sways her mandolin. Along with Gruesome, Jack, Patricia and John’s contributions, it’s anyone's guess who else may join the stage.

Mark your library events calendar for Aug. 21 at 6:30 p.m. for “Just a Bunch of Guys...and Some Girls” at the Berne Town Park. Refreshments provided by Friends of the Berne Library are an added delight to the evening. Your support of this popular music series is greatly appreciated. 

Library hey-there notes

Story time is on vacation for the next three weeks starting Aug. 20. 

Heldercon is on the horizon. Mark your calendars for Sept. 21.

A short and sweet library survey, to help the library serve you better, is located at the front desk for visitors to fill out. Thank you for your input.