Berne Library Notes for Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Ooopsie! A little correction is in order.

Knit Wit’s calendar appoints the third Sunday of the month for mingles. Last week’s library news stated that second Sundays were the norm.

Alternate Sundays are only used under special circumstances. Like when Easter Sunday hops into view on the third Sunday of April. Apologies, Knit Wits and readers. 

Story time

Earth Story Time orbits the community room April 19 at 10:30 a.m. Bring your wee ones in for 20 to 30 minutes as Miss Kathy shares earth stories, rhymes, and games.  

Creating delight

“Celebrating Little Things” presses on. Each Friday, a little something is thrown into the wind to smile about, appreciate, acknowledge and/or make a toast with friends and family about. Just a nudge to reframe and recognize that there are plenty of opportunities for creating moments of humor and delight by making the choice to do so.  

Last week was the Magic of Unicorns. This week, the spotlight remains on unicorns with the addition of rainbows added to the mix. Go ahead, raise your glasses with a toast to Unicorns and Rainbows in the Library’s “Celebrating Little Things” corner from April 15 to 21.


The talent show is canceled.

Time management

“Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals” by the talented and entertaining author Oliver Burkeman, a view.

Got a minute? How will you use it? How about 4,000 weeks? How will you use those time coins? Four-thousand weeks is the equivalent of 76.92 years. Some earthlings have more, some less.

Burkeman explores ways people think they “should, ” are, or have used their allotment of weeks with humor, plenty of anecdotes, and a bundle of thought provokers.

Probing merits of hobby time, there’s mention of Rod Stewart’s active pursuit of model railroading just because he enjoys it so much. Similarly, on editor and publisher Karen Rinaldi’s surfing obsession, her belief that the activity gives her “the freedom to suck without caring what the world thinks” says it all. 

Burkeman steeps readers in spot-on observations. Wrapping up with “Ten Tools to Embrace Your Finitude” plus abundant references for further pursuits into contemplating your 4,000 or so weeks is golden. Check it out today!

 Earth Day

Quick, be sure to add the library’s Earth Day Family challenge to your calendar. Prepare to meet five activity challenges presented on Saturday, April 23, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the community room. Prizes are an extra bonus adding to the excitement.

See you on the Earth Day trail!