Archive » April 2014 » Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

If Hollywood is the ultimate litmus test when it comes to what is popular and the “in” thing, then we should be concerned about the effects that celebrity icons and their on-screen behavior have on our youth. 

To the Editor:

I am writing to correct an error in the article titled "Community Newsletter Stirs Debate:...”, which appeared in your April 17 issue.

To the Editor:

Thanks to the enthusiasm, dedication, and scientific curiosity of our elementary students and the support of their teachers, families, and PTA, Berne-Knox-Westerlo had a very successful science fair in March.

To the Editor:

Have you ever heard of the Feinstein Challenge?

During March and April of this year, when you donate something to the food pantry, so will Feinstein!  Every product and dollar donated is counted as a dollar donation.

To the Editor:

I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to attend Go Green Day 2014 and a Recycling Extravaganza on Saturday, April 26, at Farnsworth Middle School in Guilderland.  We will be there from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m., rain or shine!

To the Editor:
The recent editorial, “The circle of life enriched by sharing,” is as timely as it is informative. Sharing and cooperation enriches all phases of existence, especially when endangered, and the arts are certainly that.

To the Editor:

The Altamont Free Library will be holding a Book and Yard Sale on Saturday, May 3, in conjunction with the PTA's community-wide Garage Sale.

To the Editor:

In the April 10 Altamont Enterprise, Aarron Harrell wrote that he thought some people were “addled” by his previous letter and required more enlightenment.

To the Editor:                                                           

The attainment of political power often results in deceptive and circuitous actions taken by those in control. One has only to look at the Albany County Legislature to see this theory unfold.

To the Editor:

Cemeteries all over New York State are having monetary issues and Fairview Cemetery is no different. For this reason, it is especially painful to find damage to the cemetery.

To the Editor:

Who is helping give out half a million free books across America on April 23?  I am.

On April 23, which is Shakespeare’s birthday, 25,000 volunteers from Kodiak to Key West will give away half a million free books in more than 6,000 towns and cities across America.

To the Editor:

The Hannacroix Rural Cemetery, which is located on Route 411 in Dormansville, a hamlet in Westerlo, is seeking donations for the 2014 mowing expense for the cemetery.

Whether you have a loved one buried there or would just like to give a donation, it would be greatly appreciated.

To the Editor:

I applaud Governor Andrew Cuomo’s initiative for more shared services among local governments and the potential benefit to municipalities and counties accepting the challenge.
