
Blanca Isabela Parker has graduated from Hudson Valley Community College at the age of 17.

GUILDERLAND — When Emma Harbeck competed this past weekend for the Miss New York title in the Miss America competition, she sang the song “Reflection” from the ​​1998 Disney film based on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan.

Mulan spares her grandfather by disguising herself as a boy so she can become a warrior in his stead.

Meg Eckhardt has a soothing alto voice.

“Music speaks to a person’s heart,” she says in this week’s podcast.

Lisa Campo-Engelstein, Ph.D. of Altamont was chosen by the BBC as one of “100 inspiring and influential women from around the world for 2019.” She teaches students at Albany Medical College about the human side of being a doctor. In this week’s podcast, Campo-Engelstein talks with passion about her work as a feminist bioethicist.

Perry Ground

Perry Ground wore his regalia — a purple shirt for the color of wampum, turtles for his clan, and two eagle feathers among the goose feathers on his head dress to show he’s an Onondaga man — for this week’s podcast.


00:00 Hello, this is Melissa, Hale-Spencer, the editor, the Altamont Enterprise here this afternoon with Todd Delmarter who works for Living Resources as the operation manager of brain injury services. Welcome. Hello and thank you for having me.







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