
Guilderland was way up, then down, then up again.

Herm Wyld, a coach who never hollered, gets his due.

Now that the baseball season is about to start, it's almost a given that Guilderland will be in the mix at the end.

GUILDERLAND — The town of Guilderland will begin accepting registrations for its 2015 spring and summer youth programs as of April 1.

Twenty students, 30 medals.

Guilderland's lacrosse connection with the University of Albany goes beyond the playing surface.

The fourth grade basketball team from Guilderland went 15-1.

Harrison Bickmore and Zaviir Berry share the spotlight as two of the best high jumpers in Section 2.

GUILDERLAND — The Guilderland YMCA provides after-school programs that emphasize the organization’s four core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.
All Y-Time programs are accredited by New York State.

Guilderland had another chance at a Class AA basketball title, but came up short, again.


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