
Michelle Viola-Straight, the director of community relations at the Veterans and Community Housing Coalition, has a conflict related to funding that her organization receives from the federal government, which pervents her from running for office. 

Altamont’s tax rate for next year is set to be the same as this year: $1.97 per $1,000 of assessed value. And for the second year in a row, the board of trustees plans to levy approximately $300,100 in property taxes, which is about $8,000 below the state-set levy limit.

The Berne Town Board set its appointments for the year, which include Jody Jansen as dog-catcher, Joe Martin as chairman of the planning board, and Bob Kipper as the new planning board member. No appointment to the code-enforcement office was made.

Kathleen A. Rooney has joined the Laberge Group as a local government specialist.

Rooney is an experienced municipal manager with more than 30 years of county management, policy development, budget, finance, and inter-municipal-cooperation experience.

ALBANY COUNTY — Three local farms are doing their part to help the  nearly 200 federal Transportation Security Administration workers at the Albany International Airport who have continued to show up to work every day during the longest government shutdown in United States history and, as of Friday, will not have been paid in over a mo

To guarantee that residents across New York are paying their fair share of taxes, the state needs a law with enforcement teeth to set a common requirement for full-value assessment.

The Albany County Veterans Services Bureau has sent officials to speak in towns across the county in order to encourage veterans to register with them. Registered as a veteran will make them not only eligible for benefits, but allows the bureau to receive more federal aid based on the number of veterans in their care.

New Yorkers who need help paying their heating bills must apply to the Home Energy Assistance Program by Friday, March 17.

Zoning board alternate Stuart Reese is a retired math teacher, while new member of the Guilderland Board of Assessment Review David Payton worked for the State Education Department.


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