
VOORHEESVILLE — A small percentage of Voorheesville residents turned out on Wednesday to vote on the question of whether to raise the Length of Service Award Program funds credited each year to qualifying volunteer firefighters. An overwhelming majority of those voters agreed to raise that amount.

KNOX — After 22 years, Councilman Nicholas Viscio submitted his letter of resignation Monday in the period between voters casting their ballots and a slew of new members taking their seats.

He served nearly two years of his four-year term.

Read the promises made during the campaigns in your town and work to make the ones you believe in a reality.

A Republican challenge didn't oust longtime Democratic supervisor, Richard Rapp. "We're doing fine," he said of Westerlo the day after residents gave him 55 percent of the vote.

Andy Freihofer, Knox

Tom Wolfe, Knox

Michael Hammond, Supervisor, Knox

Kevin Crosier, supervisor, Berne

George Langdon, candidate for town supervisor

Dianne Sefcik, Westerlo


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