climate change


As scientists study a glacier many see as a keystone to the crumbling of glaciers in the Antarctic, teacher Sarah Slack will be on board, dispatching her observations so others can learn from the expedition. 

New Scotland is one of 10 local municipalities looking band together to lower the cost that their residents’ pay for power. 

As extreme-weather events increase in number and strength, some New Scotland National Grid customers are left asking: How will my power be protected?

In a decade, the Albany Water Board may be a million dollars richer. The revenue will be earned from carbon credits, a relatively new idea for New York, although in California it’s a routine practice.

With the cost of most things knowing only one direction — up — local municipalities have the opportunity to help their residential electricity customers slash their bills by, perhaps, two-thirds.  

Local filmmakers launched a new blog on April 1 entitled “How I Talked About Climate Change Today” to stimulate conversation about the global environmental challenge.

On Sunday, Feb, 24, the Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy began its 27th year with an Awards Dinner and Climate Panel at the River Stone Manor in Schenectady.

Climate change is here and harming us. While we commend those who are heroically acting to help, it is not enough. An overarching national policy and a global commitment are needed.

Many backyard gardeners rely on a routine of caretaking for their plants. But as temperatures rise and weather becomes more extreme, it has become necessary to adapt.

If each of us does our part with renewable energy, we can save more than money; we can save the world.


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