Melissa Hale-Spencer

HILLTOWNS — Ashlyn Anne Hanley, who graduated in June from Berne-Knox-Westerlo, has put the life stories of nine Hilltown elders into a book she hopes kids at her school will read and learn from.

 Asked what Democrats might be nominated to run in November for Laurel Bohl’s now-vacant seat, Jacob Crawford, who chairs both Guilderland’s and Albany County’s Democratic committee, told The Enterprise, “John Haluska, Kevin McDonald, and myself are interested candidates at this point. Paul Pastore’s name was also suggested as a possible candidate.”

Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 are four times more resistant to COVID-19 vaccines than was BA.2.12.1, meaning breakthrough infections are more likely, according to a new study.

New York State has been allocated 8,822 doses of vaccine from the federal government with an additional allocation of 23,963 for New York City alone, the governor’s office reported in a release on Tuesday. Forty doses are for Albany County.

The goal is to match existing state law, said Supervisor Peter Barber.

M.A. Schafer’s bid was significantly lower than the other two bids: MLB Construction bid $996,000 and Hoosick Valley contractors bid $1,160,000.

On Tuesday, the New York State School Boards Association released an analysis focused on the 1,453 board candidates elected in May and their challengers, endorsing organizations, campaign platforms, and conversations generated across social and traditional media. The Guilderland elections were typical of the trends documented by the association.

Each new connection or expansion is to be charged a one-time fee with an additional charge for connections outside of the water district. The new user fees are to be deposited in a capital reserve for repairs, upgrades, and expansions.

“Like Elder Louis Parson, I believe God brought me here because he knew that, in order for us to keep what was formed here, what was born here, someone had to pick up the mantle,” said Beverly Bardequez. “And I’m hoping to pass it on to the next generation.”

GUILDERLAND — Councilwoman Laurel Bohl resigned from the Guilderland Town Board at the close of Tuesday night’s board meeting.
The other board members looked visibly surprised as Bohl read a prepared statement.


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