Melissa Hale-Spencer

By Ellen Zunon

Injuries are killing children, leading to more deaths in our country than all other causes combined, including disease. Many of those injuries happen at home.

By Bill Sherman

ALTAMONT — The bride’s veil fluttered in the evening breeze Friday as she stood outside St. John’s Church, its steeple piercing the blue sky. She stooped to talk to the flower girl, her two-year-old daughter, Madison.

Shhhh. Quiet. Can you hear their cries" Look, look closely. Can you see their wounds"

Every bit helps, says John Conklin.
"No donation is too small," he says as he talks about an Oct. 2 golf tournament he’s organizing to raise funds for April Porter who is fighting cancer.

GUILDERLAND — The devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina is being answered with a ground swell of fund-raisers and contributions.

GUILDERLAND — Animals may not have changed much in the last half-century, but people’s relationships with them have.

GUILDERLAND — Visitors Saturday at the Guilderland Animal Hospital open house will be able to look back at the past, tour the present, and glimpse the future.

Notes from a material girl
Seeking a broader, deeper history
What is history" And where is it found" How is it kept"


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