Archive » April 2014 » News

The area along Route 156 is called "mixed-use" zoning, where residential and commercial uses are allowed. The law is set up with planning board oversight, with the aim to sustain the historic qualities of the district.

The roughly $2 million budget proposed for next year is down slightly from this year, with a $20,000 in savings on court salaries since the village court has been consolidated with the town's.

A special-use permit to build a house in an industrial zone has neighbors balking; not at the possibility of a house, but at what they see as a property in disarray. They are hoping the New Scotland planning board places conditions on the permit to keep the property tidy.

The Rotterdam developer, George Amedore, and the Duanesburg sheep farmer, Cecilia Tkaczyk,  will square off again, but this time Tkaczyk has a two-year Senate record to run on.

Walt M. Daminger was placed into custody and his vehicle was searched, which revealed quantities of marijuana and hashish, boxes of nine-millimeter ammunition, and a semi-automatic handgun with 15 rounds in its magazine in the center armrest, the report says.

"A barbershop should be a man's playground," said Michael Blake who is bringing younger clientele to his grandfather's Westmere shop.

When the sheriff, after getting a tip on drug trafficking, was ready to go in with the search warrant, a flurry of activity, which he didn’t anticipate, was going on at the motel.

According to the Guilderland Police report, Lisa Ann Duff stole a pair of 1.25-carat diamond stud earrings and a pear-shaped diamond necklace, valued at more than $7,500.

A 17-year-old's 2011 Chevrolet Malibu left the roadway, collided with a culvert, and became airborne, coming to a rest after rolling over, according to a release from the Guilderland Police Department.

Village taxes won't increase next year due to changes in health-insurance premiums and employee turnover.

Community members described Margaret Della Rocco, who died after an accident on Monday, as the center of a close-knit family, raising her four children to work with and appreciate the environment.

"The stuff you sell, you have to work hard to get" is one of the many things Guilderland Elementary students learned by creating business to sell goods they had made.

Thursday, April 3, is a statewide crackdown on motorists passing stopped school buses, which can result in a maximum $400 fine and five license points.

Residents during the April town board meeting expressed frustration at town board members' absence at the meeting scheduled in March, which had been postponed from February. Nearly two years ago, the town decided to investigate the gas-drilling process.

Town officials have been aware of a deficit in the water district fund for years, but continued with its budgeting practices into 2014, the audit report found, and the town's court did not conduct several basic, documented accounting practices.
