Remember your friends who can no longer be active

To the Editor:
As an Altamont resident and a caretaker of my beloved friend, I have suggestions for helping to make the lives of your Altamont neighbors who are somewhat isolated more pleasant as we approach the holidays.

Because I attend caretaker support meetings, I hear these wishes over and over. Because it is the season for granting wishes, I am listing a few ways that you may be able to grant a wish.

Don’t forget us, we are somewhat isolated, but we are here.

— 1. Ask us these questions:

Do you need a book returned or picked up at the library?

Can I get your mail or mail your cards?

I am on the way to the grocery store; do you need anything?

— 2. We are often told that we are not included in coffee get-togethers or other events “Because we didn’t think you could.” Give us a  chance! We might be able to have an aid sit with our loved one;

— 3. Just visit us! Drop in some morning for coffee, afternoon tea, or just a 10-minute visit! We miss people!

— 4. And church. My friend’s family were strong supporters of a church in the village, in person and financially, donating money and art. I have belonged for years.

Call former attendees; offer to sit so they may attend church occasionally, especially during the holiday season.

During this holiday season, remember your friends who can no longer be an active part of the community; they were for years and miss that part of their lives. 

We wish you joy and peace.

Ruth Dickinson


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