Melissa Hale-Spencer

“In the end,” Superintendent Marie Wiles said of flag football, “we felt it was fairest to our existing programs and to the overall process that we use to make really tough decisions about what ends up in the budget to put it in the queue for next year.”

“Guilderland is one of those schools that was historically not fully funded,” said Andrew Van Alstyne, displaying a chart that showed over the last decade Guilderland was underfunded by $4 million to $5 million each year — a gap that decreased with the phase-in until Guilderland was fully funded with $25 million in Foundation Aid this year.

The historic Dutch barn in what is now Guilderland was built before the American Revolution, Corey Nellis said, with hand-hewn chestnut beams. The American chestnut — once called the redwood of the East because of its huge size — was wiped out by blight more than a century ago.

“Diversity is driving a lot of what we do in our town,” said Supervisor Peter Barber.

In a Jan. 25 memo to the town board, Jacqueline Coons, Guilderland’s chief building and zoning inspector, wrote that, in allowing single-family or two-family dwellings to be occupied on a transient basis, “It seems appropriate that the use be regulated differently than commercial hotel/motel occupancies as it is a less intense use and as such could be compatible with locations that may not be zoned a commercial district.”

ALBANY COUNTY — Snow is expected to fall in Albany County on Monday night, continuing through Tuesday morning, tapering off in the afternoon, according to the National Weather Service.

BETHLEHEM — An Albany man was charged by Bethlehem Police on Friday, Feb. 9, following a bank robbery on Thursday.

“It’s the kind of board that’s not likely to win you a lot of friends ….,” said Robert Murphy, who chairs Guilderland’s ethics board. “You’re not going to win any popularity contests over disciplinary hearings.”

BETHLEHEM — On Thursday morning, a man wearing a mask handed a teller a note requesting money at Delmar’s Community Bank, according to a release from Bethlehem Police.

The release said events unfolded this way:

“Something’s got to give at some point,” said Supervisor Peter Barber, noting the town would have to either increase its water capacity or reduce demand.


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