Hilltowns Senior News for Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Happy almost Turkey Day!

We started Thanksgiving early with a great Hilltown Seniors meeting on Nov. 8, at the Berne Reformed Church. They prepared a wonderful Thanksgiving feast for us. We can’t begin to thank everyone for the great dinner.

On Nov. 6, we had our defensive driving class with 31 people attending. Roger Dames presented a great course. I will try to get him again next year for anyone who needs to take the course again in 2015.

Events schedule

December bus dates will be Wednesday, Dec. 3 and Wednesday, Dec. 17 with stops at Wal-Mart and Whole Foods in Colonie Center. We can stop for lunch on Dec. 3 at Ci-Ci’s Pizza. Let me know and please reserve your seat by calling CDTA at 437-5161.

On Nov. 20 we hosted a Bingo party at the Altamont American Legion. We also invited the Altamont seniors to join us. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this event a success for all of us.

On Dec. 13 we will have our Christmas Party at the new Maple Inn on Warner’s Lake. It will begin at 11 a.m. If you were not at the November senior’s meeting please call Shirley Slingerland at 797-3467 before Dec. 9 to be included for a reservation. There will be no cost for Hilltowns Seniors members; cost for guests will be $15 per person. I hear we will be having a special guest and pictures will be taken. Our regular blood pressure clinic will also be available.  Walgreens will be giving a short 10-minute presentation on Medicare Part D.  Please come out and have a great time with us.

The year is coming to an end and I want to thank everyone who helped make this a wonderful year for me.

See you at our Christmas party and please remember to bring a can of food for the food pantry.

Editor’s note: Charlotte Fuss is the president of the Hilltown Seniors.



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