Voorheesville Library Notes for Friday, January 15, 2016

Join us at the Voorheesville Public Library for a Minecrafternoon on Friday, Jan. 15, which is a half-day of school. Why not spend the afternoon building a new Minecraft world?

The program runs from 1 through 4 p.m., for grades 6 and up. Online registration is requested. 

STEAM  story time

On Saturday, Jan. 16, following a 10:15 a.m. story time, parents and children will explore and play at different stations using hands on science, technology, engineering, art and math, building not only their reading skills but their STEAM skills, too. Stations will include snow making, melting ice, and marshmallow snowmen.

Collections or displays

Do you have a collection that you would be willing to display at the library? If so, we would love to talk to you. Give us a call at 765-2791 or drop in anytime. We are always looking for new and interesting displays.

Food pantry donations

The library is a convenient drop spot for the New Scotland food pantry, which helps provide food, paper products, and basic personal care items to those in need within the town of New Scotland, including the Voorheesville school district. This month the library will be giving away a new Snoopy library card for every two cans of food dropped in the pantry baskets, located next to the computer stations.  

Teen read-in

You asked for it. On Friday, Jan. 29, from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m., we have a whole night set aside to do nothing but read.  Bring your bean-bags, camp chairs, or sleeping bags to make yourself at home in the library. Catch up on your favorite series or tackle something new. Dinner and snacks will be provided. The Library will be closed except for participants. This program is for grades 6 and up, please register.  

Thursday afternoon movies

Bored? Tired of the same old, same old? Why not stop by the library on Thursday afternoon and watch a classic movie on the big screen? They really don’t make movies like these anymore. We always serve light refreshments and friendly conversation, with a dash of trivia thrown in. To see what movies are playing this month, either check online at voorheesvillelibrary.com or stop by and pick up a brochure. All movies start at 1:30 p.m.


Holiday hours

In observance of Martin Luther King Day, the library will close at 5 p.m., on Monday, Jan. 18. The library will reopen at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 19.

Bookworm mailing list

It has been more than a year since the library transitioned from paper to an electronic newsletter. I thought this might be a good time to send out a reminder that you can still sign up for the newsletter. Go to www.voorheesvillelibrary.org/bookworm.asp, where you can choose to read the current newsletter online, receive it by e-mail, or have the newsletter mailed to your home every month.