Altamont Library Notes for Thursday, August 29, 2013

It’s soon to be a new season, and a new school year.  It’s something the Altamont Free Library is used to — we almost always have something new going on.

For instance, there’s a new book display whereby a staff member tells, through a most esoteric procedure involving something resembling what local kids used to call a cootie-catcher, your fortune; and then suggests an appropriate book, or method for finding one on your own.

Wondrous rocks

We also have a new showing of intriguing, and beautiful, rocks and minerals collected and displayed by a local hobbyist.

Come in and see for yourselves geodes, fossilized sea life, petrified wood, black tourmaline, worm trails leading somewhere 300 million years ago, Herkimer diamonds, and much more.

Classic Cowley

And newly gracing our trackside wall, wew have a good long look at a newly hung painting by Altamont artist Ed Cowley.  The work portrays the intersection of Main and Maple and is classic Cowley.  It is on loan from the collection of Tom Sands.