Archive » November 2013 » News

ALBANY — Told that she brutally took her son’s life, Tracey Zetzsche accepted her sentencing on Nov. 1 as she recalled not how he died, but how much she loves him.

Zetzsche, 53, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for first-degree manslaughter based on extreme emotional disturbance, reduced from second-degree murder after both parties in the case determined she had legitimate amnesia, unable to remember any of the facts surrounding the killing of 22-year-old Gabriel Philby-Zetzsche by knives to his heart and a hammer to his skull. From July 26 to 30 during the summer of 2012, his body remained on the floor of their Westerlo apartment.

Judge Stephen Herrick described the “horrific nature” of the injuries to Philby-Zetzsche and said that evidence showed his mother tried to remove signs of his murder.

The Albany County Rural Fire Chiefs Association and the sheriff's office are in the beginning stages of planning for an East Berne training grounds for firefighters and police.

A large number of "under votes" were cast for council seats, where ballots had fewer or none of the allowed votes for the race.

Kenneth Weaver won on the Democratic line in the past, but switched to the GOP line this time having declined other endorsements.

John Kudlack, the town's Democratic Committee chairman, said he would like to see younger leadership on the committee and more involvement. 

The opinion of the Democrats on whether the Republican campaign had been clean was clear during each of the candidates’ thank-you speeches — they all said it was one of the dirtiest, most negative campaigns they’d ever seen.
