Letters to the Editor

Joan Adriance, Sandy Quay, Co-Coordinators, Memorial Day Barbecue; Amanda Wyckoff, Coordinator Community-Wide Garage Sale

Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

Amy Lauterbach, Peggy Christman, Parade Co-Chairs, Kiwanis Club of The Helderbergs

Kelly Lendrum, President, Voorheesville Teachers’ Association

Matt Bergeron, Candidate, Voorheesville School Board

Chris Allard, Voorheesville

Kenneth Bergeron, Capt. USMC (Ret), M.Ed, S.A.S, Palm Harbor, Florida

Judy Seery, Director, Altamont Community Food Pantry

John Haluska, Vice President, Guilderland Historical Society

Jessica and Earl Barcomb, Knox

Sue Green, Lynn Baldauf, Mark House, Jean Simons, Mary Gene Tanski, Guilderhaven Inc.
